Landing Page
The Department of English & Comparative Literature celebrates 225 years of Rhetoric, Writing, Film and Literature at Carolina!
Find out ways to support the Department of English & Comparative Literature.
Meet our New Fiction Writing Professor, Gabriel Bump
“That’s Enough Culture for One Day”: A Book Club Discussion of Everywhere You Don’t Belong with author Gabriel Bump hosted by Daniel Wallace
Hear UNC’s talented student poets and converse with our published authors!
An Evening with Creative Writing at Carolina: Poets’ Speak Out 225 & A Salon with Creative Writing Professors
Learn about the first Latina/o Program in the Southeast!
“The UNC Latina/o Studies Program: Past Present and Future. 22 Years of Culture and Exploration at UNC Chapel Hill with Conversation/Charla”
Hear about the engaging work of ECL undergraduate majors!
What does it mean to be an E(nglish) and C(omparative) L(iterature) major today?
Keynote Lecture
Trudier Harris, “Are We Literate Yet? Adventures in Education, Politics, and Culture”
Timeline of 225 Years of Rhetoric, Writing, Film and Literature at Carolina